Support Center / Download and setup / How to install a VPN on MX Linux

How to install a VPN on MX Linux

Please note that we only officially support Linux on Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora. Reports indicate that our Linux app works on MX Linux, but support for this distribution may be limited.

1. Our DEB package will install the Proton VPN repository on your system

This package contains the repository configuration and keys that are required to install the Proton VPN app.

Download the Proton VPN DEB package

2. Install the Proton VPN repository

Just double-click the downloaded DEB file and follow the prompts given by your default package manager (or right clickInstall Deb files on the Xfce desktop).

Please don’t try to check the GPG signature of this release package (dpkg-sig –verify). Our internal release process is split into several part and the release package is signed with a GPG key, and the repo is signed with another GPG key. So the keys don’t match.

If you want to check the repo package integrity, you can check its checksum with the following command:

echo "c68a0b8dad58ab75080eed7cb989e5634fc88fca051703139c025352a6ee19ad  protonvpn-stable-release_1.0.3-2_all.deb" | sha256sum --check -

3. Update the apt-get package list

The following command updates the list of available packages and their versions. Doing this allows you to install the Proton VPN App.

In a terminal window, enter:

sudo apt-get update

4. Install the app

The final step is to enter this command:

sudo apt-get install proton-vpn-gnome-desktop

Learn how to use the Proton VPN Linux app


1. How to remove the beta Linux app

To uninstall the new Linux app, open a terminal and enter:

sudo apt autoremove "protonvpn*" proton-vpn-gnome-desktop

2. How to uninstall the old (v3) Linux app

Open a terminal window and enter:

sudo apt-get autoremove protonvpn

Remove any leftover files:

rm -rf ~/.cache/protonvpn


rm -rf ~/.config/protonvpn

3. How to disable the kill switch if you have already uninstalled the app

You should disable Kill Switch before uninstalling our official app. Failure to do so may leave your system unable to access the internet. To remove the kill switch after the app has been uninstalled:

a) Discover the Proton VPN connection names by running the command:

nmcli connection show --active

This will display a list of your PC’s active connections.

b) Look for any connections with the prefix pvpn- This usually includes pvpn-killswitch and pvpn-ipv6leak-protection, and may include pvpn-routed-killswitch. Delete all these connections using the following command:

nmcli connection delete [connection name]

For example:

nmcli connection delete pvpn-killswitch

c) Enter the following command again to verify that Proton VPN connections have been deleted:

nmcli connection show --active

If any Proton VPN connections are still left, delete them as described above.

4. Required dependencies

The Proton Linux app needs one of the following dependencies installed on your system to work (most systems have one of them pre-installed, so you probably don’t need to do anything here). Please note that having both of these dependencies on your system can cause conflicts, and so is not recommended. 

  • KWallet
  • Gnome-keyring

You’ll also need:

  • Systemd

(But again, this is probably already pre-installed on your system.)

5. Try out our beta Linux app

The beta version of our Linux app gives you access to new features before they are released publicly, but it is still in development. By using the beta version and sharing your feedback, you can help us find and address bugs. 

Please note that we only officially support the beta app on Debian, Ubuntu, and Fedora. It should work on MX Linux, but support for this distribution may be limited.

Important: You cannot upgrade from the beta version of our Linux app to the stable version. You will need to uninstall the beta app and then install the official app. Similarly, if you are using the stable version of our Linux VPN app, you should uninstall it before installing the early beta version. 

If you would like to install the beta version instead of the stable release of this app, open a terminal window and:

1. Download the beta package. Enter:


2. Install the Proton VPN beta repository containing the new app. Run:

sudo dpkg -i ./protonvpn-beta-release_1.0.3-2_all.deb && sudo apt update

3. If you’re running the old (v3) Proton VPN app or CLI (stable or beta versions), simply run:

sudo apt update && apt upgrade

If you don’t have Proton VPN installed, run:

sudo apt install proton-vpn-gnome-desktop

To check for updates and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the app, enter:

sudo apt update && apt upgrade

How to remove the beta Linux app

To uninstall the new Linux app, open a terminal and enter:

sudo apt purge "protonvpn*" proton-vpn-gnome-desktop && sudo apt autoremove

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