Black Friday VPN deals
Don't miss out on the biggest Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. Retailers often vary their discounts based on location. With Proton VPN, you can effortlessly switch your virtual location to access the most lucrative deals. Plus, get ahead of the next Black Friday rush with up to 50% off a 24-month Proton VPN subscription.
Surf with high-speed and higher privacy
Privacy isn’t an extra, it’s by default
Shield your online presence with a VPN. Encrypt your traffic, protect your identity, and block website trackers while keeping your browsing habits private from ISPs and advertisers.
Let the streaming flow
Wherever you are, you can access your favorite movies and TV shows on every streaming platform with Proton VPN.
Serving only high-speed
Proton VPN uses high-speed servers with connections up to 10 Gbps. Coupled with our VPN Accelerator tech, we achieve up to a 400% increase in download speeds.

Convenient, secure, and fast.
Get a VPN that does it all.
Access content worldwide
Bypass local internet blocks and censorship with our global network of servers. Access online content that is blocked in your country.
Strong encryption
Proton VPN encrypts all your network traffic using AES-256 or ChaCha20 encryption algorithms.
Ad-blocker and malware protection
Block ads, stop trackers and protect yourself from malware with Proton VPN’s NetShield.
Swiss jurisdiction
Safeguard your online activity with some of the world’s strongest privacy laws.
Open source and audited
Our apps are 100% open source and have been independently audited by security experts.
Strict no-logs policy
Under Swiss law, we are not obligated to save user connection logs. This means your private browsing history stays private.
A better internet starts with privacy and freedom.
Our story begins at CERN, where the web was born.
Proton was founded in 2014 by former CERN scientists brought together by a shared vision of a free and private internet. In 2021, the inventor of the World Wide Web and fellow CERN scientist, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, joined our advisory board.
We developed our first service, Proton Mail, with the help of a public crowdfunding campaign and community input. To this day, Proton remains a community-supported company, with user subscriptions as our only source of revenue.
By choosing a paid plan this Black Friday, you become a part of a community of millions who support our mission to safeguard online privacy.